Hey Mom!
I am gonna put Aunt Tracy's letter with yours because I am running out of stamps, so I would appreciate if you send me alot. Also, thanks for the Priesthood Line of Authority. I am glad you guys are my parents. Today was so fricken long. All we did was sit in class all freaking day. It drained me soo much! I am soo glad that I can sleep. I am almost always the 1st one asleep. Ask Tracy or Grandpa what experience I had in the celestial room. It was way, way, way cool! I am way glad Dad finally gets OT!! I am glad my letters are helping you guys out. You guys' letters are helping me out! The whole families of Elder Dale says Hi! And, I found the other SD card! I love you guys so much! Keeping being the sons & daughters of God and making him Proud. "Our Work Begins on Our Knees"..
Love Always, Elder Lundberg!
Hey Mom, have Dad play the digoridoo and record it, so my district can hear it!
Tracy's Letter:
Aunt Tracy!
I got your letter. I am glad you like my favorite quote. Here's another one. "Act in Faith and the Lord will show you how." Your letters are so helping me, too. I am glad my testimony helps you. I have grown so much already in the time I am here. Your testimony has also helped me groW I should be getting your box tomorrow! Thank you for that! I love you Aunt tracy. I love this gospel so much! It's crazy. that experience I had in the celestial room, and then your dream. That brought me to tears! I love you! Thanks for everything you have done for me!
I Love You
Elder Cade Lundberg
Cade is serving in the California, Fresno mission. He is now in SANGER. His companion's name is Elder McGovern!
Sunday, June 30, 2013
6-27-13 - Letter
This was address to (My Dad) David Otto Lundberg, III
I love and miss you so much. I was on the TV for that World Wide meeting. Go online & look! I haven't got really that homesick in here. I just get teary eyed when thinking about you. It's nothing like Scout Camp. It is because I am relying on the Lord and doing His work. How's the homestead and my wallow area (the couch). PAPS, thank you for the notepad and jerky and gummy bears and your letter! Along with grandpa's. Now, I can read your testimony. dad, I want you to know that I know this Church is true for a surety. I know that God gives revelation to prophets to guide us. I know the B.O.M. is true without a doubt. I kinda had an experience like you with the B.O.M., it brought me to tears. :) (little smily face with a tear dripping down.) I am so greatful for the priesthood that I hold, it is unlike any other power in the world. I gave my first priesthood blessing the other day to one of my roommates, and the blessing worked insttantly. That boosted my testimony even more. I am so thankful for Christ and his sacrifice he made to come to earth and suffer for us and our sins, for us to be able to return to Heavenly Father's presence. I am so thankful for the Holy Ghost, and the way it touches the people I teach, and the way it guides my thoughts, and loosens my tongue to say things that the investigator needs in their life. It truly is a miraculous experience. Father, I am soo greatful for your example in y our callings, or even the way you honor your priesthood. I truly look up to you and continue to, and probably will for the rest of my life. I am so thankful for the way you and Mom has raised me, I know I was a moron at times, but still thank you two, because if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be who I am today. I would like to say sorry for the way I acted the pass couple of years towards you, mom, and the siblings. You guys truly inspire me while I am out here with your letters. I love this Church, Father, with all my heart. I am so greatful to be here, learning about this Gospel, and becoming an instrument in the Lord's hands, and becoming a better teacher. I love you dad, more than you will ever realize. 2nd Nephi 31:13
Love, you son,
Elder Lundberg
I love and miss you so much. I was on the TV for that World Wide meeting. Go online & look! I haven't got really that homesick in here. I just get teary eyed when thinking about you. It's nothing like Scout Camp. It is because I am relying on the Lord and doing His work. How's the homestead and my wallow area (the couch). PAPS, thank you for the notepad and jerky and gummy bears and your letter! Along with grandpa's. Now, I can read your testimony. dad, I want you to know that I know this Church is true for a surety. I know that God gives revelation to prophets to guide us. I know the B.O.M. is true without a doubt. I kinda had an experience like you with the B.O.M., it brought me to tears. :) (little smily face with a tear dripping down.) I am so greatful for the priesthood that I hold, it is unlike any other power in the world. I gave my first priesthood blessing the other day to one of my roommates, and the blessing worked insttantly. That boosted my testimony even more. I am so thankful for Christ and his sacrifice he made to come to earth and suffer for us and our sins, for us to be able to return to Heavenly Father's presence. I am so thankful for the Holy Ghost, and the way it touches the people I teach, and the way it guides my thoughts, and loosens my tongue to say things that the investigator needs in their life. It truly is a miraculous experience. Father, I am soo greatful for your example in y our callings, or even the way you honor your priesthood. I truly look up to you and continue to, and probably will for the rest of my life. I am so thankful for the way you and Mom has raised me, I know I was a moron at times, but still thank you two, because if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be who I am today. I would like to say sorry for the way I acted the pass couple of years towards you, mom, and the siblings. You guys truly inspire me while I am out here with your letters. I love this Church, Father, with all my heart. I am so greatful to be here, learning about this Gospel, and becoming an instrument in the Lord's hands, and becoming a better teacher. I love you dad, more than you will ever realize. 2nd Nephi 31:13
Love, you son,
Elder Lundberg
Friday, June 28, 2013
6-25-13 - Letter from Cade - received 6/28
It is crazy Aunt Tracy had that dream because me and my roommate were just talking about the experience Dad had about Grandma while he was in the temple, because we went to the temple today. I was just wondering if she was with me. I miss her a lot, actually, to be honest. :( My testimony has truly grown a crap load, spiritually. To be honest, while I am learning during the day, I get lost. I don't think about home with you guys and Jes, only when writing, honestly. but, that dream, while reading it, I started crying, knowing that my grandma is here with me. I honestly felt her presence in the Celestial room. I started tearing up there. I truly love this gospel, and love all of you guys.
Love Always,
Elder Lundberg
Love Always,
Elder Lundberg
Thursday, June 27, 2013
6-24 letter - Cade sent this on Tuesday
Cade wrote us this on his P-Day. He also sent an email, which I have included below.
Hey Mom!
I just got your
dear elder letter. I needed it. And Elder Dale said we were on TV, so
go back and look at it online, and you will find me. My companion,
Jacob Dale, is from Lehi. Look him up on F-book.
(He had read my email by now. I emailed him the first day he was in the MTC, but he didn't get it until Tuesday.) I asked him questions, which I will BOLD.
How are you sleeping?
Mom, I am sleeping
amazing. It's amazing how the Spirit can help you. My roommates tell
me I am always the FIRST one asleep. What are you learning? I am just working on the Plan of
Salvation and actually started talking to the most real investigator in
the MTC. He said he felt a warm feeling when I testified to him about
the truth about the B.O.M. and how the Lord answers our prayers. Is the food good? The
food is amazing, Mom. AMAZING! My favorite thing I have eaten is a
chicken fried steak. I told Caleb he would. (Cade told Caleb he would
end up working at Terry George's shop). This next part is funny, if you know Cade. He always had to "poop" at a certain time of the day. I was wondering how it would work in the MTC. (should be interesting to see how he does out in the field...ha ha ha ha ha) I poop once in the morning and
once at night in the barracks where you don't need a companion. Me and
Elder Dale are the youngest ones in our district. Everyone else is 19
and older. I have already read my p (partriarchal) blessing. And, I
have read grandpa's testimony and yours and Dad's thing in my
scriptures. David and I wrote our testimonies in his mission scriptures. They have helped me stay focused on what I am here to do. I
love you Mom. You mean the world to me. (back)
Like Boyd K Packer
said in the meeting on Sunday, Mothers are the best teachers. Thank you
for helping me become who I am. Tell Dad I love him, too, and how he
has taught me to honor my priesthood. I love you guys so much, it's
crazy. it makes me wish I showed it more towards you and Caleb and
Keisha and Kassidy. The work of salvation excludes NO ONE! Every
member a missionary. Tell my brother and sisters that I love you guys
so much. Tell Aunt Tracy and Uncle Donnie I love them sooo much. They
don't even know. And thanks for their letter. I don't have alot of
time to write. I love you. God Speed. 2nd Nephi 31:13.
Love Always, Your son, bro, and Nephew
Elder Lundberg
Love Always, Elder Lundberg
hey mother and father, I know i sent you a letter day but this one
will get right to ya. We went to the temple today and i was doing the
endowment session for thomas brydges. i felt the spirit way strong. i am
doing good. i am excited for the package that you guys sent and all
your letters. getting these letters and things make me not as home sick
so its good. i am not gonna lie i get teary eyed when thinking about
you guys but nothing like scout camp. I know its because i say my
prayers every night and every morning and through out the day, and i
have heavenly fathers help. i am super excited to get in the field. you
guys dont even know. i have a buff marine in my room named elder rainey
from mudlake idaho and he benches 350 i have another funny elder that is
from pocatello idaho he went to highland highschool. my companion as i
told you is elder jacob dale look him up in facebook. he is from lehi. i
have tooken many pictures so dont worry but i dont have them here with
me so i can upload them but i will send the id card right before i leave
so you can have them so you should send me another so when i leave i
can have one for when i get there. i am getting my haircut today 5 on
the bottom and 7 on the top. today is my p day so be prepared for
another email. i am learning super a lot i am sending you a letter today
so you will have this one and another one. i love you mom and dad. tell
the kids i say hi and love them too.
6-23-13 Letter
We ended up getting two letters on Tuesday, the 25th because we didn't check our mail. We DID send Cade letters and also from dearelder.com, but he hadn't receive them, yet. When I read this letter, I felt really bad that he hadn't received anything from us. :)
Dear Mom & Dad,
I just wanted to write you, even tho you
haven't written me. Today was very spiritual for me. I gave one of my
roommates, Elder Judy, a priesthood blessing. It's crazy how the power
of the priesthood works. After that, we went to the Worldwide
Leadership Broadcast. Very, very good meeting. "Our Work Begins on our
Knees." My p-day is Tuesday, but you can send me letters whenever
through mail or dearelder. And, I can send letters whenever. i can
only email on Tuesdays. I am learning an extreme amount about the
Gospel. I kind of had an experience like you, Dad. It was a couple
nights ago, and I just got one reading Nephi, Chapter 2, and I just had a
prompting to pray about it. So, I got down on my knees and sincerely
prayed about the B.O.M. I had the most overwhelming feeling, such a
peaceful warm feeling. I know for a fact that the B.O.M. is a true
book. It is truly revelation of the Lord. Anyway, Aunt Sharee wrote me
the first day. And you guys still haven't sent me a letter. :( I
know for a fact, for a surety, that the B.O.M. is true. The only way to
know that doctrinal principals are true is through prayer. I love this
Gospel, Mom and Dad. It is crazy. I love you guys with all my heart,
and I sincerely am sorry for the way I acted before my mish. I care
about you guys and pray for you 2 every night, even Caleb, Keisha, and
Kassidy. Tell them I love them, too.
Love Always, Elder Cade David Lundberg
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Cade's Letter on his 1st P-Day, Tues. Jun 25th
This is an email he sent. He sounds less homesick. I think the fact that we sent him letters helped him. If any of you want to write, his address is to the right. He will be leaving the MTC on July 3rd. I am getting ready to send him his blanket, sheets, and pillow tomorrow. We are also going to be sending him his brace so he can play Basketball. It was broken. They don't need sheets, etc. in the MTC, so they have you send them to the mission home.
Love Always, Elder Lundberg
hey mother and father, I know i sent you a letter day but this one
will get right to ya. We went to the temple today and i was doing the
endowment session for thomas brydges. i felt the spirit way strong. i am
doing good. i am excited for the package that you guys sent and all
your letters. getting these letters and things make me not as home sick
so its good. i am not gonna lie i get teary eyed when thinking about
you guys but nothing like scout camp. I know its because i say my
prayers every night and every morning and through out the day, and i
have heavenly fathers help. i am super excited to get in the field. you
guys dont even know. i have a buff marine in my room named elder rainey
from mudlake idaho and he benches 350 i have another funny elder that is
from pocatello idaho he went to highland highschool. my companion as i
told you is elder jacob dale look him up in facebook. he is from lehi. i
have tooken many pictures so dont worry but i dont have them here with
me so i can upload them but i will send the id card right before i leave
so you can have them so you should send me another so when i leave i
can have one for when i get there. i am getting my haircut today 5 on
the bottom and 7 on the top. today is my p day so be prepared for
another email. i am learning super a lot i am sending you a letter today
so you will have this one and another one. i love you mom and dad. tell
the kids i say hi and love them too.
Cade's 2nd Letter - sent Friday, June 21, we got it on Monday, June 24th.
Addressed to: Mom, Dad, Caleb, Keisha, and Kassidy
Dear Keisha, Kassidy, & Caleb
I just want you guys to know that I love you. Be good for mom and dad, k? They are counseling you guys for your own good. I didn't think so, but now that I am in here, there is a bigger purpose in life. Caleb, I love you, bro. Be an example to everyone around you. The Lord will bless you if you fullfill your priesthood duties. Prepare to go on a mission. It is nothing like you have ever experienced. Tomorrow, June 21, we are already preparing to teach our first investigator. keisha, strive to be the good young woman you are. Better not date until I get home. Kassidy, keep being your beaming light about you. You are and have been a good example to me. Same with Caleb and Keisha. Mother and Father. Thank you two for all you have done to prepare me to go on a mission. I miss all of you guys like crazy, but through Heavenly Father, and knowing what I am here to do, I am getting through. I want each and everyone of you guys to know that the Lord loves you. I know Joseph Smith restored this gospel, and translated the B.O.M. I truly know with all my heart that the B.O.M. is true. It is pure revelation given through prophets of olden time for us now. (back)
I love all of you guys soo much, like, once your out here, I wish I would have been nicer. I love you. The Church is true, the Lord loves you.
Love Always, Elder Cade Lundberg
Dear Keisha, Kassidy, & Caleb
I just want you guys to know that I love you. Be good for mom and dad, k? They are counseling you guys for your own good. I didn't think so, but now that I am in here, there is a bigger purpose in life. Caleb, I love you, bro. Be an example to everyone around you. The Lord will bless you if you fullfill your priesthood duties. Prepare to go on a mission. It is nothing like you have ever experienced. Tomorrow, June 21, we are already preparing to teach our first investigator. keisha, strive to be the good young woman you are. Better not date until I get home. Kassidy, keep being your beaming light about you. You are and have been a good example to me. Same with Caleb and Keisha. Mother and Father. Thank you two for all you have done to prepare me to go on a mission. I miss all of you guys like crazy, but through Heavenly Father, and knowing what I am here to do, I am getting through. I want each and everyone of you guys to know that the Lord loves you. I know Joseph Smith restored this gospel, and translated the B.O.M. I truly know with all my heart that the B.O.M. is true. It is pure revelation given through prophets of olden time for us now. (back)
I love all of you guys soo much, like, once your out here, I wish I would have been nicer. I love you. The Church is true, the Lord loves you.
Love Always, Elder Cade Lundberg
Cade's 1st Letter Home - Sent on June 20th - Arrived June 21st (Friday)
Here is Cade's 1st letter. I guess they have the Elders write home the first day they are there. I thought we were going to have to wait until his P-Day, whenever that would be.
Dear Mom & Dad:
The first day is over! Not as bad as I thought. The spirit is so strong here. But, to be honest, I really cannot wait to get out into the field. My companion, Elder Dale, is real fun to be with. Our roommates are cool, too. There is a Marine that got out of Boot Camp a week ago. it's something that I need to get used to though. Sunday, we have some big convention where one of the apostles are speaking. Guess what? I have already wrote on one of my white shirts. I know that this Gospel is true. I am glad you raised me the way you did. I love you guys soo much. Tell everybody I said Hi!
Love, Elder Cade David Lundberg
P.S. I love you guys and the showers are closed. I hope you guys are missing me as much as I am missing you.
(back side)
Mom & Dad
You guys are the biggest examples to me. Without you I would be know where (his spelling) Ha Ha. I love you two with all my heart. Tell Caleb, Keisha, and Kassidy to listen to your council. It will get them to where they need to be. I know that Joseph restored this gospel. I know that he translated the Book of Mormon. I love you two sooo so much, you two don't even know. I will write you again soon.
Elder Cade David Lundberg
Dear Mom & Dad:
The first day is over! Not as bad as I thought. The spirit is so strong here. But, to be honest, I really cannot wait to get out into the field. My companion, Elder Dale, is real fun to be with. Our roommates are cool, too. There is a Marine that got out of Boot Camp a week ago. it's something that I need to get used to though. Sunday, we have some big convention where one of the apostles are speaking. Guess what? I have already wrote on one of my white shirts. I know that this Gospel is true. I am glad you raised me the way you did. I love you guys soo much. Tell everybody I said Hi!
Love, Elder Cade David Lundberg
P.S. I love you guys and the showers are closed. I hope you guys are missing me as much as I am missing you.
(back side)
Mom & Dad
You guys are the biggest examples to me. Without you I would be know where (his spelling) Ha Ha. I love you two with all my heart. Tell Caleb, Keisha, and Kassidy to listen to your council. It will get them to where they need to be. I know that Joseph restored this gospel. I know that he translated the Book of Mormon. I love you two sooo so much, you two don't even know. I will write you again soon.
Elder Cade David Lundberg
Monday, June 24, 2013
Cade at the MTC - Dropping him off
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This is in Provo right off of University Parkway. We stopped at Mr. Mac to get him something for his collar, which he ended up not liking, so we took it back later. |
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Cade's last lunch with us at Wendys. |
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Cade is checking out his collar in the truck. |
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All of us at Wendy's. |
This is us entering the grounds of the MTC to drop Cade off at the Curb. :)
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AT THE CURB. HA HA Cade gave all of us a hug. David actually locked the back of the truck so that it would take a bit longer to get all the luggage out. It gave us about 20 more seconds. Ha Ha |
This video will show what it was like when we left the MTC. See all the elders and sisters standing on the sidewalk? I was trying really hard not to cry.
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