Sunday, October 5, 2014

End of July - AUGUST - Hughson


this week has stunk for me! i have had bike problems almost every day this week the last thing that happened that one of my gear shifters fell off and in order for them to fix it it would cost me 100 dollars, so i just had them stick it in one gear and leave it alone! but anyways we have had some more crazy experiences out here. we ran into 5 drunk guys and one lesbian. they were drunk as heck. but they were super nice. they are part of a gang like matthew. but they werent as real as matthew tho! they gave us their number and told us if anybody messes with us call them and they will take them out! haha so that was pretty cool! this week for some spiritual experiences! in some of my lessons god has told me to promises some people some crazy things like for one guy we were teaching, he is from vietnam and he has ptsd and stuff like that. he has been in active for 25 years and has the melchezidek priesthood! good told me to promise this man if he did C.P.R thatt he side effects from the war would go away! we were teaching this other less active that has health problems and didnt know if the church was true so we told her to read the bom and ask if it was true and god told me to tell her that her answer would come through a dream! its super cool, and when i told these people this the spirit was sooooo strong! it was absolutely crazy! anyways thats it for this week! i havent been able to find a suit place so next week i will keep looking! this area has been the toughest areas i have been in. i had the bishop in ward council tell me to basically shutuo and that ticked me off! that will be on my recording!
anyways Love Elder Lundberg


This week has been a good week for us here in hughson! we currently have 6 baptismal dates set right now. and thats been the most they have had in a couple of years! so we are definitely getting the ball rolling. iits crazy just how the lord leads us to prepared people. so we were out in la grange and la grange is 30 miles away from us and its this strip of houses and then every other house is all spread out. so we decided to tract the strip of la grange to see if its worth anything. so we said a prayer before we left and god told us there was 1 person that needed us and needed the gospel. so we start knocking. and its 112 degress outside! hahaha stinking hot! and all we found were these hill billys out there. then we went into like a little mark ran by a punjabbi. and turns out that there was a guy that was standing right outside of this market and we decided to talk to him. his name is al hunt. he is a vietnam vet and as soon as we started to talk to him. god told me that he was the one that is prepared. he accepted a book of mormon and he said he would be baptized august 30 if he knew this church was true! it was so amazing how the lord works and guides his servants to his children who are prepared to hear the gospel! but california has been insanely hot out here! it hasnt been under 100 degrees this whole month and a half! it is crazy hot! hahaha 
but anyways i love you soooo much! 
Love Elder Lundberg


So this week has been really slow in our area. we have tried by a lot of our investigators and it is tough in this area! nobody is ever home dang it! i dont know whats going on! but i went on an exchange with my district leader and i set 5 baptismal dates within a couple of hours! so that was really fun! haha there has been some funnny things that have happened to me i will let the recording take that part! th temple is awesome i love it sooooo much! i am definitely gonna go to the temple as much as possible when i get home! its kinda sad i am looking through these pictures of the reunion and there are some kids that i dont even have a clue who they are! hahaha other than that! thats pretty much it!!
Love Elder Lundberg


this week has been a hectic week! just running arounsd everywhere! we have a potential baptism for sunday! her name is myrissa! we meet with her tionight to solidify everything! so that is really good! i am excited about that! elder brower and i are doing well! we have our moments but alltogether we are getting along! the work is opicking up a little bit!~ i still havent found a time to get measured t\dang it! my i am just getting taller and bigger! we are struggling to get the members involved with our work \! but we sre are trying so we will see how it goes this week. this saturday is transfer calls so we will see if i get transferred or not!
Love elder lUNDBERG


So this week has been probably one of the slowest weeks of my mission! and yes as you know i am becoming a zone leader in a couple of days. they are transferring me back down to fresno! to be in the fresno 3 ysa with elder linekar who is from england so thats pretty cool!! i am excited and kind of nervous i am going to just do the best that i can! and lead like i did as a district leader. another really exciting thing is that remember shawn and monica i tol you about when i was in modesto?? well elder bean ended up marrying them a couple of months ago and monica got baptized on saturday and they called and invited me to come so i went, and it was the best baptismal service i have had in awhile! elder bean baptized her and i am going to go back in october to baptize shawn who gets off parol then! elder bean got his visa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NONONONONO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he leaves tomorrow morning! i am so sad!!!!!! but back to modesto 2 everybody was happy to see me and i was super happy to see them! they said they missed me a lot! brother johnson told me that nobody has out worked me in that area yet! which made me feel good! haha thats pretty much it for this week!
Love Elder Lundberg!

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